Staying Alive

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Staying Alive

Staying Alive


John O’Looney warns about a woman’s experience with a Tetanus injection.
They are injecting people without their knowledge or consent, thinking they’re getting a different “vaccine.”

It’s another ‘VIRUS’......and it’s after your chocolates this time....but never fear, ‘scientists’ have come up with a solution to use social distancing between trees to stop the virus spreading

Oh....AND they are developing a vaccine to spray on the plants ....go figure!

⚠️ I suggest everyone take 15 minutes and watch this video in its entirety. We have talked about precedence. We have talked about the military. This is simply one example of how it can play out.
There are MILLIONS of people ready to take action. TENS OF THOUSANDS of them are trained and very hungry Military. Have faith. It’s coming.

Tim Ballard met President Trump (2 min 52 sec) The film Sound of Freedom is based on the true story on how former DHS special agent Tim Ballard left his job in order to rescue children from being se×-tra££!cked around the world.


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

2849 videos

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